
14.03.16 Sustainability in tourism: a Utopia?

Die Bolivinischen Gaststudierenden präsentieren nachhaltige Tourismusprojekte aus ihrem Heimatland

Numerous visitors attended the international evening at the Thurgau University of Teacher Education on the 14th of March. Dr. Felix Keller, head of Landscape at the European Institute for Tourism (ETI) at the Academia Engiadina in Samedan, gave a talk about the challenge to allow tourist regions take part in sustainable development using Valposchiavo as an example.

Is sustainability in tourism a utopia, is it achievable or does it even represent a chance for the future? How is it possible to develop a tourism strategy which is ecologically, socially and economically balanced? As part of an international project, the European Institute for Tourism at the College for Tourism in Graubünden investigates the relationships between tourism, society and economy using a system analytical approach and Valposchiavo as a case study. Felix Keller is not only employed at the ETI but also has a teaching assignment in environmental education at the ETH Zürich and supervises a common research project in the area of education for sustainable development at the Thurgau University of Teacher Education. During his talk, he pointed out the various approaches which have been adopted in the Valposchiavo region to establish sustainable tourism. The findings were derived from system analysis and will make the development of sustainability-based scenarios and corresponding tourism strategies possible.  The holistic approach which arose from computer aided analysis of complex interrelationships represented the strength of the chosen method in the case study of Valposchiavo. This has paved the way to achieving appealing visions such as a 100% bio production in the Valposchiavo region, the employment of the UNESCO World Heritage label and the project Nature, Culture and Economy unisono.

Folklore Performance
The international evening was enriched by insights into tourism projects in various regions of the globe. Students from Bolivia, China, Israel and Northern Ireland who are currently studying at the Thurgau University of Teacher Education presented examples of sustainable tourism projects in their own countries. The evening was rounded off by a market and by cultural and folklore contributions of the guest students from Bolivia.
This annual event takes place in connection with the visit from the delegation from La Paz. During the visit, students of the partner college Escuela Superior de Formación de Maestros Simón Bolívar (ESFMSB) in La Paz, Bolivia spend two weeks at the Thurgau University of Teacher Education.